Dry Risers 

In large buildings, dry riser systems are often the only and therefore important means of protection against fire.  It is essential therefore, that they are kept in an effective working order so that they keep your property safe and will perform correctly in an emergency. 

The British Standard BS999:2006 requires a full annual pressure test and six monthly visual checks for dry risers for buildings above 18 metres and below 60 metres to make sure that the system is functioning correctly. 

Faulty systems that are not repaired can lead to serious property damage or even loss of life.  Severe penalties could be imposed should they fail to function when needed so it is vitally important that they are maintained correctly.  Your insurance could also be invalidated if the system were to fail due to a lack of maintenance, in the event of a fire.

At DBM Fire Protection we can provide a thorough maintenance service in accordance with the current British Standards and you can rest assured that once a dry riser system has been inspected by us, that it will be ready to work when needed.



   01945 870205

    07950 177515 

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